French as a Second Language

Register now for French as a second language courses.

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Novocentre offers free French training in the communities of Thunder Bay, Ignace, Dryden, Kenora and Red Lake.

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Novocentre offers Free training to the francophone communities in Thunder Bay, Ignace, Dryden, Kenora and Red Lake. The training allows people of all ages to improve their skills and reach their full potential at work, home, in school and within the community. Novocentre is involved in various fields of study, such as speaking, writing, numeracy, computer science and learning management.


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Novocentre has helped me become successful and now I independently run my own business in Thunder Bay.

Novocentre is committed to providing support to individuals wishing to improve the skills necessary to their personal development, their continued education and their integration into the labour market. Due to a growing need for French as a Second Language courses, we offer them for a fee. 

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